What a year 2008 has been for the Zockoll family here in Knoxville TN. This must have been one of the most unpredictable years in my life - in fact, as I write this, I am battling the flu ( I am pretty sure I picked it up while writing a sports column at a basketball game on Sunday) and my eye is watering contantly as I type this. Well, let me sniff a little and give you a synopsis:
Julainne is now 4 years old "and I can whistle." Some of her favorites include Curious George cartoons, wearing a princess dress, and dancing with Daddy to the Symphony channel on Sirius radio. Julianne loves her Sunday School teacher Miss Tanya (who, years ago, was a teen in my youth group. "Miss" Tanya is married with a whole passel of kids.) She also has a small child's "kitchen" in our kitchen and cooks alongside Mommy during the day.
Nicholas is 20 years old and has arrived back from working at Camp Red Cloud in Lake City CO. He is engaged to Alexis and is considering seriously a step into a career in the military. He got the gang together at Thanksgiving and played the annual Turkey Day football game, and is the Keeper of the Flame in our downstairs fireplace. Nicholas is taking on more responsiblities - he is holding down two jobs - while making decisions on whether to attend UT or move into the military.
Peter is in his junior year at Berean and has a bedroom that is becoming a shrine for Steeler football. He is working at Chik Fil A and has been in a number of theatrical productions but looks toward playing football or rugby in the coming year. His fantasy football team is in the playoffs and he is an integral part of our Sunday Night College/HS Bible study when it comes to debating at the end of the study.
Jill has been wonderful, simply amazing in keeping our household running, especially through these financial strains that our family and, well, the whole nation is undergoing. She has been supportive of me and my writing endeavors and has been a spiritual pillar to us all. More than once when I endured my sickness this year she has been uncomplaining in taking care of the needs of the home. Her fibro myalgia won't go away, of course, but I think she has been able to take control. She has been reading numerous Joni Erikson books and recently completed the biography of Chuck Colson. She is a fantastic hostess whenever someone comes to the house for a visit or an overnight stay. When I struggled through the many trials of this past summer, she performed the greatest two things anyone could do for me: she listened and she prayed. Our family loves her, obviously, but the boys in the College group love her as well. She makes friends wherever she goes.
As for me, I am approaching 50 (next May) and reflect on how this year has given me new insight on so many things. Stress nearly ripped me apart this past summer. As for my back problems - I haven't endured that much physical extreme pain since I tore out my knee in college and had to use a cane to get around. My attempts at starting a city-wide College age ministry fell flat, and I suffered when close friends and spiritual mentors kept their distance. I felt as though God were somehow punishing me but now I can look back and see how He was getting my attention. Make no mistake - many of the problems are still with me, but they no longer dominate my body, soul and spirit as they did for six hellish months. God is good, and I can see Him that way in a new light, without the gloss of a full-time ministry or the pressure of a daily Bible presentation for others. Just jesus and me, and I am seeing thast this is great.
I am taking on more writing assignments weekly, and have been working freelance, writing for two pro sports teams as well as preparing a novel based on the true life of a retired DEA agent. I am hoping to latch on to an editing job with a new-found Christian webzine, and other writing opportunities are in the works. It's like with Eric Liddel as he discussed his running - I can feel God's pleasure when I write.
We are growing closer as a family and I cannot tell you how powerful that is. Jesus is becoming a stronger and stronger force within our home and as this year draws to a close I ask you to continue to pray for us as we all seek Christ's leading on doing His will day by day. Thank you for your friendship and have a Joyous Christmas.