This coming year my blog will take a different approach.
I'm gearing up to write this blog in a more personal style but one that brings the Scripture up to the table so we can sit and look at it without any confusing trappings.
I had a very strange and yet fascinating childhood, and I can say that the odd trek didn't stop whenever I left the homestead.
I want to talk to you about it, and how the Lord has worked in me, talked to me, and let me see Him in ways it's hard to explain unless I give you an anecdote or life story.
It's very important that I give you some real-to-life situations that actually happened in my life, so that you may call me into direct responsibility for what I tell you, rather than me making a vague reference to a long-ago individual. Sure, I'll quote and cite, but mostly I will dig back and tell you of the things I learned from my years. Believe me, it's not a bragging session; it's a way for me to communicate to you as best as I know how. So cut me a little slack as I get my words in order.
The picture is where it all started for me as I shuffled onto this mortal coil on May 29th, 1959. That's Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh PA, and in the same year I was born, Ben Hur was being released as the top film of the year. Other newcomers who tried to steal my spotlight were some states named Alaska and Hawaii, who both joined the Union that year. The cost of a new house was about $12,000 but bear in mind that the average citizen was making about $5000 a year. Gas was 25 cents a gallon and you could get in a movie for a buck.
I was the fourth Zockoll. Before me were Bruce, Gwen and Brent.
And that's when the fun began.