Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Matt. 1:21 - "and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins."

JESUS - The word Jesus is the Latin form of the Greek Iesous, which in turn is the transliteration of the Hebrew Jeshua, or Joshua, or again Jehoshua, meaning "Jehovah is salvation." 1

In Hebrew Yeshua means Salvation...Yeshua is the original Aramaic proper name for Jesus the Nazarene...In Hebrew Yeshua means both "Salvation," and the concatenated ("linked together") form of Yahoshua, is "Lord who is Salvation." 2

1. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08374x.htm
2. http://www.thenazareneway.com/yeshua_jesus_real_name.htm