I recently saw some pictures of people who are decorating their eyes. One picture shows a close-up of an girl's eyeball with a small heart-shaped icon. What kind of material the heart is made of, I don't know. I get a little squeamish with that.
But the most bizarre picture I saw was of a man receiving a tattoo on his eye - that's right, a tattoo! Actually, the doctors injected a blue ink under the first layer of his eye so that it would float underneath the clear membrane. That's beyond me.
The photos I saw reminded me that people wanted to call attention to thier own sight - they wanted people to view their vision. And I think a lot of Christians get caught up in self-centered pursuits enough to ignore the proper line of vision - the vision of a daily walk with Jesus. In John 12:21 the seekers came to Philip and said "Sir, we want to see Jesus."
That great word for "see" is EIDO. It means more than just perceive with the eyes. It goes deeper in its definition, including "preceiving with other senses." In other words, seeing Jesus with intellect and faith as well. It also means "discover." So they were really asking Philip, "Sir, we want to discover Jesus.
Wouldn't it be great if we Christians got back to discovering Jesus. Discovering that He wants us to imitate His love for the neighbor that lets his dog bark all night. Discover Jesus' caring for sharing a McDonald's meal with the poor kid down the street. Discover Jesus by concentrating hard on enjoying Him in our church service and openly speaking of Him and praising Him. Letting our family know that we really love Christ and are not ashamed to speak His name!
We want to see Jesus!