"Who will not fear you, O Lord,
and bring glory to your name?
For you alone are holy.
All nations will come
and worship before you,
for your righteous acts have been revealed.”
and bring glory to your name?
For you alone are holy.
All nations will come
and worship before you,
for your righteous acts have been revealed.”
- Rev. 15:4
HOLY - Grk hosios - Pronunciation: ho'-sē-os
Definition: "undefiled, observing all moral obligations, free from wickedness..."
While in college while playing soccer in a mud-slick field, I was in an on-field accident that tore the anterior cruciate ligament on my knee. The result was that I was in the hospital for two weeks and on crutches or a cane for a good part of the school year. You can imagein what it was like, tooling around a 200 acre campus with crutches.
I remember the day that my knee was sound enough for me to throw the cane aside and walk freely once again! I wasn't encumbered by the injury anymore. Some of my college buddies secretly enjoyed injuries; I imagine it gave them a sporting masculine look. I never felt that way - the pain and burden of a damaged leg was something I didn't want. Sometimes the pain - even with medication - would make me vomit.
The day I was free I realized the great opportunity of being without the sweat-inducing pain for the first time in months. I was free!
The same comes to me in my spiritual life. I'm wracked by guilt and depression, along with a frustration that I cannot stay on the path of honor that is supposed to be the way of God's child.
But then Jesus, through His sacrifice, set me free. Not just for once, but forever.
This freedom, this release from contamination and condemnation, is like being able to throw away the crutches and walk. And run.
Only a holy God could do this.