Sunday was quite exciting and very active. Our College Bible study "the Jolly Beggars", was in full swing, with students continually coming and coming. Soon every sofa, chair and floor space was filled. We went through a whole case of hamburgers as well as polish sausages, a 5 gallon tub of ice cream , and numerous 2 liters of soft drinks.
We went through the books of Mark, Ephesians and 1 Peter. We had good prayer, asking Jesus to work in us throughout the evening as we learned. We tackled five Koine Greek passages as well as having Jon lead in an Oswald Chambers devotional and Jared giving us a challenge about studying and obeying the Scripture. Then we had a debate, as I presented myself as a nonbeliever yet one who was interested in the words of the Bible. Soon the evening had to come to an end. Jon, Derek and EJ met me on the porch and chatted about some contemprary issues they were dealing with. Dan shook my hand and promised he'd be back (he's been calling me on my cell throughout the week, asking Bible questions) and Clint went out and bought himself a Greek New Testament.
So now I have a "problem": we're running out of room! Guys are packed everywhere.
This week I'll need to move the player piano to the other side of the house That will give us room enough for a couch - or at least some lawn chairs we'll bring in from the outside.
Woo hoo! Good problem to have. Thank you, Lord, for the encouragement of this "problem."