I am finding it hard to sleep tonight. I'm feeling real good about the Bible study's great evening.
Incredible night of learning Greek, talking apologetics and having a Q&A session about the things of Jesus. Chris Jones led our study and we watched a segment of Ken Ham's Creation series before Chris led a PowerPoint teaching of the creation vs. evolution concern. Twelve guys piled into our downstairs fireplace room. We had hamburgers on the grill and hermeneutics in the house. What a great time! I am still charged up.
The study is every Sunday night and the young men are serious about learning the Scripture. it's not a sermonizing time; we have a Bible study with an open forum for questions at any time. The Lord is using our house as we had hoped: to be a place of Bible study and learning for college age and college-bound.
"Christ died for men precisely because men are not worth dying for; to make them worth it."
--"The World's Last Night", CS Lewis