When I was in high school, I was among a group of teen guys who decided to raise money for our prom by going for the Guinness Book of World Records by leapfrogging twenty miles. We took pledges for our effort – much the same way that people pledge for a walk-a-thon or other fundraisers. However, we added this kicker: if we couldn't finish, then we would pay you the amount you pledged. We raised $900. That meant that if we didn't finish, we owed $900.
The day of the great Leapfrog Team Challenge came. The TV crews were ready. The crowds were at the school stadium. And we started. And I can tell you that I don't think I ever experienced such a painful event in my life. Mind you, I was involved in high school football, baseball and wrestling, so I was in good shape. But this was something else altogether.
At mile 10, the crew was exhausted and complaining. By mile 13 we knew we were in serious trouble. I'd like to tell you that there was some magic resolution to the pain and agony we were going through, but the simple fact is that we kept calling out to one another “jump one more jump.” After a long while we cleared mile 15...then 17...then 19...
At mile 10, the crew was exhausted and complaining. By mile 13 we knew we were in serious trouble. I'd like to tell you that there was some magic resolution to the pain and agony we were going through, but the simple fact is that we kept calling out to one another “jump one more jump.” After a long while we cleared mile 15...then 17...then 19...
That's the way we completed it (and tied the record). We simply leaped one more time…and one more time…and one more time. It was exhausting. It got boring. It was painful. And oh, were we ever sore the days afterward.
But we did it.
I think in our Christian life, we ought to have the same focus. No matter how difficult the trial or how tedious the task, we can get it done by taking small steps and asking the Lord above for help and directions. We don't get frustrated and take our eyes off of the goal. We take one more step and then another as we show complete dependence upon Jesus.
In your prayers today, lean upon Jeus to help you through that trial or disappointment you may be facing right now. Don't take the anxiety upon yourself - you can't bear the load and survive, no way. Right now, just rely upon Christ for strength as you take that next step through the testing time. This hour. Today. This week. This month.
God will see you through.
And I bet it'll be a lot less painful than leapfrogging twenty miles.
Trust me.