I have been in a "retreat" mode since school has let out. I have withdrawn from any teaching, preferring to sit in meetings and assemblies and get fed without the feeling of having to stand up and teach a class within the next 24 hours. Don't get me wrong - I do love to teach, especially relaying God's truths, but there comes a time when I need to sit by the wayside and rest. I lvoe the stillness and the solitude.
Lately it's been more important for me to get away for restful times. I've found myself sitting alone and reading a good devotional book or a passage from the Bible, re-reading a particular truth in order to let it sink in.
I am finding these intensely quiet times as important to my life as exercise or fellowship. This has become increasingly important to me. If I am going to know more about my Friend, isn't it right to just sit at His table and let Him talk to me? How can a friendship be based on inattention?
I want to know more about Jesus and what it is like to truly, truly, truly regard Him as the most important One in my life.