One of the hardest things for me to do is to rest. Standing still or staying in one place just about kills me. This past school year featured a special field day for the senior high, and we teachers were relegated to standing around and applauding the efforts of the various student teams to which we were assigned to oversee. We couldn't do anything but stand around. ARGH. I'm telling you, that had to be one of the longest days of my life. I don't like to stand back and observe; I like to get in the mix, even if I fall.
That's what has been so unusual about this summer. I'm standing still quietly...and I like it. I've been holding still, waiting upon the Lord to see what He has for me. In the last few weeks, the verse calling me to "rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him" ( Psalm 37:7 ) has been especially important. Having no "churchy" activity has made me take my vision and place it more specifically upon things I've not enjoyed so intensely before. For instance, our vacation trip to Disney World was one of the most enjoyable weeks in my memory. I had a great time (despite the shockingly brutal heat and humidity) being with my family in a quiet and conversational way that I'd not experienced during the school year. My devotional life has taken a new turn. My prayer life has also seen new windows open to truths.
Most surprising of all, I have been contacted for some new proposals in publishing ideas. Those of you who are writers understand the shock of publishing firms approaching you. Most of the time, it is the writer running after the publisher with hat in had. This truly is a "God thing."
I encourage you to take time away from summer diversions to stop and "abide under the shadow of the Almighty" ( Psalm 91:1 ). You may, as I have, see some new things occuring that can only be described as God-generated blessings.
I will keep you posted on the blessings that have been coming our way. Please continue to pray for Jill's dealing with fibro myalgia. It is still a great concern to the family.