Yesterday was a bittersweet day for me. Happily, I was able to share the joy of a new avenue in my career but sadly I had to say goodbye.
At chapel I announced to the faculty and students that I would not be returning to CAK this fall. I have received a wonderful offer to join up with the ABS corporation here in town, and I will be starting with them in June. I am leaving a campus full of kids that I love, and it's never easy to say goodbye to family.
I thank the Lord for the fantastic five years I have enjoyed teaching here in Knoxville. I can gladly say that I have enjoyed virtually every day that I stepped into the classroom. What most people don't know is that I probably learned more than the students did.
I learned more about the Bible. I learned about working among educators. I learned about today's generation and their great needs. And I learned about myself - my joys, my commitment, my temper, and my shortcomings.
Thank you, Grace Academy and Christian Academy of Knoxville, for the opportunity to serve. Thank you, Jesus, for giving me this great blessing.
The steps of a man are established by the LORD, And He delights in his way. - Psalm 37:23