Please pray as I seek the proper homestead for us to initiate the Hepta project. The timeline is that we would be able to start the ministry in Septmeber as the high school students have settled in and the college students are starting classes. We want to have Care packages on their way and the first evening Bible classes humming along. If possible, I would like to have our first book published in order to have a study guide as we journey through the Bible.
There are five homes in the Knoxville area that seem to meet our needs. Please pray that I clearly see God's choice of the proper house.
A local carpentry ministry has told me that if we need additions to the home for expansion purposes, then all our ministry needs to do is supply the material and they will build it at no cost!
Please write me if you have any questions or comments:
In the total expanse of human life there is not a single square inch of which the Christ, who alone is sovereign, does not declare, "That is mine!"
~ Abraham Kuyper