Here's my great frustration: there are two cliffs that need bridges, and we Christian educators have not done enough to construct one.
I'm talking about two gaps in the career path that need to be addressed by concerned Christians.
The first one is at high school graduation. We hand our students a diploma and warmly thank them for the work they've done. We send them off with our prayers and then ... what? They head to a college with little or no on-site mentoring or helps when the liberalism of many campuses try to wear them down.
The second one is at college graduation. The student has finished his four years, and then steps out into the world of decision-making and solitary choices with little or no guidance. Many a student flounders or suffers from bad advice gleaned from a less-than-caring source.
I propose a Seven Year Plan - one that will join with a student from his or her junior year and be alongside them through to their first year out of college. It'll be a helpmeet ministry, one that sends caring e-mails and care packages along with resources to make this new step in the world a bit easier for the eager but needy Christian.
I will share some more of my plan in the next blog.