We'll be doing quite a bit of journalling. You'll have a chance to write down your thoughts - devotional and otherwise - during the week.
Take your time and really reflect on what God will have you to learn about Him this week. If there's one thing we need to remind oursleves is that it's not about US...it's about HIM!
I find it very curious as I go through the many blogs throughout the Internet of seeing the massive egos of some bloggers. Their whole world revolves around their activities, looks, attractiveness to the opposite sex, sports favorites, foods, music, booze and a whole list of self-centered delights. I'm especially intrigued by the prevalent use of profanity by many... does this show intelligence?
The glory of blogging to many people is that is gives a chance to talk about THEM, the most impotant person they know. Our camp will be centered on HIM, and how we can draw closer to Jesus Christ. This is His world and it's His delight, and we can experience incredible joy as we see what He has for us!
Optional things to bring that might be part of our week:
- beach ball
- crazy hat
- your favorite devotional book