but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts... (NASB)
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord... (NIV)
but in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy... (ESV)
but in your hearts reverence Christ as Lord... (RSV)
The Bible scholar Matthew Henry says: "We sanctify the Lord God in our hearts when we with sincerity and fervency adore him, when our thoughts of him are [full of awe] and reverend, when we rely upon his power, trust to his faithfulness, submit to his wisdom, imitate his holiness, and give him the glory due to his most illustrious perfections. We sanctify God before others when our deportment is such as invites and encourages others to glorify and honour him..."
In the midst of all my writing assignments, husband and fatherly duties, teaching work, and other daily responsibilities, I still can have a place in my heart where I can follow 1 Peter 3:15 and sanctify the Lord Jesus... set Him apart... enjoy Him...and this worship and honor is much like the furnace of a building or a ship. It will heat and energize each far-reaching area of my decisions and walk.
The Zockoll family eagerly looks forward to Nicholas and Alexis coming home for Christmas from Biloxi MS where Nicholas is stationed with the Air Force.
Peter's new job at Chik Fil A starts this week and we trust the plentiful hours will help him save up for college this coming year. He's a diligent worker, and can enjoy the scholarship the company gives as well.
Jill is not feeling well... could be the freezing cold front that came in over the weekend. Her fibro myaglia is at its worst in months. Pray that we could get the medical and financial assistance necessary.
Julianne was in the Children's play at church. She was in the Angel Choir. The whole production was fantastic.