This post marks the 500th post since I started blogging back in December of 2005. I've written about some pretty exciting experiences during that time. I've also written about some of the darkest days of my life. In looking back through the scores of entries, I've been able to say that in my mountain top experiences as well as the very shadowy days of grief, that Jesus Christ has been there to guide and comfort me.
During my college days I played fraternity soccer - wasn't very good at it, but enough to start on good ol' Chi Alpha - and in an on-field accident I ripped the tendons in my right knee, an accident that still affects me today.
I can recall that first night in the hospital, lying in the bed and sweating profusely from the pain, wondering how I would ever make it through the first night. The medications did no good whatsoever, and I prayed and groaned as each minute passed by on the clock, asking the Lord to help me handle the agony as I watched my knee swell o the size of a watermelon.
It may seem strange to you, but that was a very profound time for me - in pain, alone and in prayer. Nobody else around, and no distractions. I think it was the beginning of my finding out how solitude can intensify prayer.
Through the years I have discovered that the power of being alone and in total focus with the Lord makes prayers much, much more real.
Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud:and he shall hear my voice. - Psalm 55:17
In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, [even] into his ears. - Psalm 18:6
And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. - Matthew 21:22
Prayer for the Zockolls:
Nicholas Zockoll - stationed in Biloxi with the Air Force and newly married to Alexis, pray that he might be able to complete his studies successfully.
Peter Zockoll - pray for his walk toward the Lord and that Jesus would become amazingly real to him.
Julianne Zockoll - pray for her continued growth in the Lord at our new church in Oak Ridge.
Jill Zockoll - pray for new friends and for a possible ministry opportunity.
Brad Zockoll - pray for new writing assignments and new ministries through writing.