My brother Brent reminded me of my newspaper editor days while at Delmar High School back in the 70s. Not content with the sterile environment of the school's newspaper, the Wildcat, because much was left out of many articles, I launched into an underground newspaper which I proudly called Cry from the Dungeon with all the usual arrogance of a ninth grader. I soon realized, as I gathered a "staff", that we could print the while truth without offending anyone (why is it that so many reporters believe that true news must be offensive and gutter-level?) and have a great time doing so. I added a Q & A column to a cartoon figure ("Fred Peaky"), a weekly vote on favorite sports stars and current events, and serialized fiction, among other things. Before two months were out, we were outselling the school newspaper!
I wanted to be able to tell the truth. We all want to hear the truth, especially whe it comes to spiritual matters. John 1:9 tells us that Jesus was - and still is - the True Light.
part of Biblical definition: opposite to what is fictitious, counterfeit, imaginary, simulated or pretended
b) it contrasts realities with their semblances
c) opposite to what is imperfect defective, frail, uncertain
2) true, veracious, sincere
Note: opposite of simulated. You can't make up what Jesus is. You cannot add to Him or take away. He is what He is. And I believe more Christians would have dynamic spiritual lives if they would get back into the Word and simply see who Jesus is, and follow Him.