Galatians 5:22, 23 -"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. "
(self control is the Greek word enkrates from en = in + krátos = power is literally one having power to "hold oneself in" or to "master self". Enkrates means the ability to have dominion over self. The individual exercising enkrates is displaying restraint over his own emotions and appetites. He is able to control his impulses and desires. By showing enkrates I am displaying the fruit of the Spirit. And boy, is this a hard one to follow.
(self control is the Greek word enkrates from en = in + krátos = power is literally one having power to "hold oneself in" or to "master self". Enkrates means the ability to have dominion over self. The individual exercising enkrates is displaying restraint over his own emotions and appetites. He is able to control his impulses and desires. By showing enkrates I am displaying the fruit of the Spirit. And boy, is this a hard one to follow.
I can recall the time in college when the stress was so bad and the testing so great that I literally saw red. A felloow student was showing callousness and rudeness, and I had reached my limit of him (ever happen to you college students with roommates?) I had to do everything possible from exploding in anger, and to be truthful, it scared me.
Years later, as a teacher, I was accosted by a parent who was so angry she was almost shaking. We scheduled an appointment with the principal and some other mediators. I realized the situation would be volatile, and I was also aware of my need to keep things in control, so I had some deep prayer prior to the meeting. Thank the Lord, even though the accusations and emotions were loud and personal, they didn't really reach me - in other words, they didn't get to me. When it was explained to the woman that all of her accusations were false, she immediately directed her anger at another person in the room. I then realized how dangerous the situation could have been - she was provoking someone in the room to lose their temper. (None of us did.) By leaning on the Lord I was able to make it through.
Enkrates - control of temper, appetite, direction, desires, focus. This is pretty near impossible if I attempt this on my own, believe me. However, I find that God's power through the Holy Spirit makes it possible. It is indeed a fruit of the Spirit.