We pulled up some old carpet in the fireplace room and found beautiful wood flooring. After a cleanup, I now have a parquet floor. No extra carpet purchases - woo hoo! That's the skinflint side of me talking.
This is from Bill Gordon's fine column at 4truth.net, a ministry of the North American Mission Board:
Philosophical objection:
"Why didn't God create free creatures that would not sin?"
Christian Response:
Those who raise this objection never provide a satisfactory answer as to how God could manipulate a free choice and at the same time keep the choice free. The Christian doctrine of God teaches that God is all-powerful. However, there are some things that even an all-powerful God cannot do.
For example, the Bible teaches that God cannot sin (see Num. 23:19; 1 Sam. 15:29; Heb. 6:18; Jas. 1:13). Christian theologians also argue that God cannot do anything that is nonsensical or self-contradictory.
When the skeptic asks why God didn't create a free creation that would not choose evil, he might as well ask why God didn't create square circles. Both questions are self-contradictory and nonsensical. A square is not a circle and a fixed will is not free.