"It is better to be poor and honest than rich and crooked."
Nicholas and Alexis stopped by for a visit this weekend. Peter is establishing a small online business, and we'll see the first steps this week. Jill may have caught another round of poison ivy, believe it or not. Julliane is getting over a small cold. My writing career is now stable and I thank the Lord for the many literary opportunities He has sent my way. I stay pretty busy in my office six days a week.
It wasn't too long ago that I was approached by a business that wanted me to do some unethical work. They would pay well, and they were offering me some hefty bonuses and perks for both me and those within my network. Only this was, the work they wanted to do was sleazy.
It wasn't hard to cut them off. No way my people are going to dishonor the Lord, who has given us so much. God has been fantastic - as He always is - and my policy is that neither my network nor I will work with anything that I am asked to do that would be a slight to the Lord. Furthermore, I will cease working for anyone who would question the honeswty and integrity of the work we do.
It reminds me of the time when I was a high school artist - not especially talented, but fairly competent in drawing cartoons - and was picking up odd jobs of illustrating various bits of work for teachers and students. One spring I was approached by an assistant football coach who wanted me to draw an obscene sketch for a poster. I was stuck. I had been raised to show respect for authority figures and obey them while showing honor for their position in life. So I was stuck. It may seem humorous to you because the answer seems so obvious but the teaching of respect for authority was deeply ingrained in me.
The coach argued with me. He promised to leave my name off of it. He tried to bargain with me. But eventually he wore down after I got a backbone and let him know that I could not do those kind of drawings. The sad thing was that I did not let him know that my convictions were based on my life with Christ. The good thing, though, was that I was able to see Jesus walk me through a very difficult situation.
It's the same approach I take now; that God will be honored in all the work I do. I strive for that each day.
Scripture quotation from New Living Translation.