Problem number 2: The reading took place in a Starbucks, which, as you know, has no private room. Yes, indeed, I was standing behind a podium in the middle of the store, with a line of customers moving past and the schhhhlarkkkkk of the espresso machine drowning out whole paragraphs. Imagine someone slurping into a PA microphone in the middle of a library and you get the idea of the difficulty of concentration.
The invitation gesture was nice and I was asked to participate in the next one later this month at another Starbucks but I won't be attending. It seemed a bit too self-serving.
Nicholas is back at ETSU and doing well in his new position as a dorm proctor. He is taking classes right now to prepare him for this new position of responsibility. He'll be visiting us back here in Knoxville at the end of this month.
Jill is designing the interiors of our new home, room by room as the weeks go by. The main room is a stone fireplace room and her thoughts are to make it with a country flair. I enjoy the way she adds the little extras to make this large home feel comfortable. Like the other residents of the Tan Rara subdivision, we enjoy the sound of the nearby railroad as it chugs by. We almost feel like the train is a part of our subdivision's family. One neighbor who is moving away told me that he will honestly miss the sound of that old railroad.
Our office leadership has invited all of us division heads to participate in a through-the-year Bible reading. Each Monday is our accountability day, and we are marching through the Bibles and reflecting on it at the beginning of the week. One of the department heads has stated that this is a great eye-opener for her. But that's the truth for all of us, isn't it?
I wonder when we will get snow here? My guess is in late February.
Great comforting words that only Jesus can give:
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. - John 14:27