"But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on {the} evil and {the} good, and sends rain on {the} righteous and {the} unrighteous."
But my usual actions are to love those closest to me.
I love those who make me comfortable.
The ones I care for are those who share the same interests ... the same reactions ... the same backgrounds ... the same dislikes ...
But, God, You are asking me to love those who go against everything I am? I am supposed to show a deep care for those who don't talk like me ... who don't like the same things I do ... who may not even love You?
This is a hard thing to grasp.
But I do see how You showed love to those who cursed Your Name, and who enjoyed showing an open mockery to the things that are sacred to You.
It's hard for me to love egomaniacs. Or racists. Or people who refuse to think. Or those who prey on the innocent. Or blasphemers. You know my heart, Lord, and how hard it is.
I will work on this, Lord.