The Lord is so good! We have looked forward to owning a home like this and ministering to people without having to crash into them because our house was too small. Even though we decided to take a year or two to properly prepare the home for this new ministry, we are already having people, young and old, coming to visit. Things are finally slowing down, and litle Julianne is a precious relief after the stress of the day. Our three year old entertains us constantly. Her favorite shows are Blue's Clues, Little Bear and Thomas the Tank Engine. Although we battle a nightly mealtime challenge (Julianne just doesn't want to eat at that particular time) the rest of the evening is spent chasing each other around the house or reading fromn any number of books in her room.
We have enjoyed hearing from friends old and new. We have been in communication with old acquaintances from Hollister CA; Canton OH; Charlotte NC; Pittsburgh PA; Austin TX; Phoenix AZ; Salisbury MD; Colorado Springs CO among other places.