Thursday, October 25, 2007

Great Word to Ponder

I was reading in Mark 6 this morning and found a fascinating word about Jesus. I don't know if there is anywhere else in the Bible that uses this word when it comes to Jesus.

Mark 6:6 - "And He was amazed..."

Now, think about this. What would it take to amaze the Son of God? He's the Author of the Universe, the Creator of all things, the Anointed One ... what would make Him amazed?

" their lack of faith."

Now, ponder this: the one thing that could completely amaze Christ is the lack of faith of people in the face of everything that God puts before them! And I see this truth more clearly each day. God has given us so many good things each day - some small, others large - and yet there are people who will explain it away to "luck", "good fortune", "Nature", "the Fates," or some other invention of the mind.

Yes, I suppose that would be enough to amaze Jesus.