The Heavens are unclean before Him Job 15:15
The Lord speaks in His holiness Psalm 60:6
God sits upon the throne of His holiness Psalm 47:8
Habakkuk 1:12 are you not from everlasting O Lord my God mine Holy one?
Habakkuk 2:20 the Lord is in His holy temple
God’s holiness would not allow a man to touch the ark, specifically against His rules 2 samuel 6
The Lord speaks in His holiness Psalm 60:6
God sits upon the throne of His holiness Psalm 47:8
Habakkuk 1:12 are you not from everlasting O Lord my God mine Holy one?
Habakkuk 2:20 the Lord is in His holy temple
God’s holiness would not allow a man to touch the ark, specifically against His rules 2 samuel 6
God’s holiness would not allow people to mock the Lord’s Supper and live 1 Cor. 11
God’s holiness would not allow people to lie to the Holy Spirit even in the honorable action of giving money to the Lord, Acts 5