
My wife Jill is responding well to the treatment that will help remove mercury that has been clogging her system for about two years. The fibro myalgia may have been aggravated because of this, but we are seeing hope! She is able to sleep better at night...for a while it was not unusual for her to up as many as seven times a night.
My chest pains are alleviated by Nexium and I am going in for more doctor visits in the next two weeks. I find it necessary to "cocoon" for stretches at a time...finding a quiet place to read or study, since I am with people such much during the weekdays and on Sundays. This has been a powerful time for me to see Jesus work in me and help me understand what people go through when they face death...I have begun to learn of the face-to-face reality of eternity.
Here are some excellent sites for Bible study that I heartily recommend for the serious Bible student:
http://www.biblebb.com/macsg.htm ... John MacArthur spends untold hours of research into Bible studies and it shows.
http://www.blueletterbible.org/ ...in my opinion, the flat-out best resource for the Christian student
http://bradzockoll.tripod.com/youthworker/ ...sorry for the self-promotion, but the youth leader will find plenty of resources that my brother and I assembled. This is an old site, but the ideas are still highly workable.
I will try to add more as the days and weeks go by!