Friday, March 10, 2006

The power of no-nonsense worship

Jill's fibro myalgia took a turn for the worse last week, but lately we see some hope. A specialized machine to help her leg muscle relax has helped so she can finally get a full night's sleep. What a relief! Then God's special helpers - the great group of teachers here at CAK all pitcehd in to make her dinners so the stress of cooking can be relieved temprarily while I'm out of town. My fellow teachers are amazing - as well as good cooks!

Nicholas will be graduating from high school in a few months - that's still hard for us to take. One of our graduating presents for him is to join his fellow classmates in a weeklong trip to New York City. He's packed and ready to go right now!


There are covenant renewal liturgies, such as Psalms 50 and 81, which are designed to lead God's people to a renewal of the covenant he first gave to them at Mt. Sinai.
“To say it another way, worship is so rich and deep because it is not an end in itself. We don’t gather for the sake of the event itself. We gather because this event expresses and deepens something more important, the relationship we have with God in Christ. Just as a wedding exists for the sake of the marriage that is being established, so too a worship service exists in order to express, deepen, and enrich the relationship that God has with us in Christ. Sermons about worship should focus less on liturgical techniques than on the God we worship.
