Friday, July 23, 2010

agape love is beyond emotion

This one is always a challenge for me to wrap my mind around. 1 Corinthians 13:4 clearly states that the best kind of love - agape love, which is a determined, serious love – is a kind love. It’s a kindness that is interested in the good of others and is eager to make itself helpful or available for serving others. It is beyond emotion - it's a commitment.

This means that Christ was committed to loving me, no matter how bad I am and how unlovely I appear to be.
This means that he was (and is) determined in His decision, which nothing will sway.
This means that the example He sets is for me to follow - loving the unlovely or the unthankful or the indifferent or the rebellious. No matter what their reaction, this is the call for me as a Christian to do.

No matter what their circumstance - no matter what MY circumstance, this is what I am to do.