1Thessalonians 4:9 ... "... for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another..."
The word 'love' here (agapao) means to love unconditionally and sacrificially as God Himself loves sinful men (John 3:16), the way He loves the Son (John 3:35, 15:9). It's more than an emotion - it's an act of the will. A powerful lesson for me as I work in the world.
I will be teaching all next week at Grace Christian Academy. I'll be touching on apologetics and talking about some awesome Koine Greek words. The writing assignments have been picking up in number, and that's good. The winter dearth was brutal on our finances. It was day-to-day dependence upon the Lord to give us our daily bread. The dependence is still there - it always will be - but the pressure has eased somewhat. One of my clients is owner on One-Txt, a magnificent texting capability company. Another is the president of a trade system in the region. Yet another is CEO of a web design company in Atlanta. All are good men, and have become good friends as well as trusted customers.
Little Julianne regales us with stories of preschool, treating us to new songs every day. Sometimes words get mixed up, but that just makes it more fun. I've captivated her with YouTube old commercials of my childhood days: the Crackerjack man, Maypo cereal, Crispy Critters, and Good n Plenty candy. She's fascinated.