Due to my writing and teaching workload lately it has been more difficult to try to keep up on regular blogging, but I'll try my best. What a see-saw month in the Zockoll household. Numerous contracts with many hard-working companies slow to pay me due to the economy. They're trying their best, but it still makes it extremely hard on our finances. Nevertheless, we have been able to see the Lord reach into our home and care for us during these trying times. Jill has been a pillar of strength many times. Last week I grew increasingly frustrated over some long-overdue payments due to me, and she was a caring and patient friend, helping me talk it out and sharing with me.
That's an incredibly wonderful gift from God - to have a loving wife. She has been strong throughout this time, holding me up whenever things look bleak. I thank the Lord for Jill and what she has been able to do.
As for today, we celebrate Peter's birthday today - he's 18 years old! He'll get a special luncheon and some gifts, but Friday night is when we have the "official" party. It'll be paintball and some other crazy games with some of his close friends. Peter's coming up on some big decisions concerning his career and his education.Please pray for him.
Phlpns 1:10 - "so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be blameless until the day of Christ".
'blameless' ('aproskopos' from a = 'not' + proskópto = 'strike at', 'to trip', 'dash against as foot against a stone') literally means without stumbling or tripping. We are to be Christians that don't trip up people with our unholy ways. We leave the path clear so that they may find Christ.