". . . the cares of this world, . . . choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful"
The church service was a powerful one. The message included a passage on the Father's sacrifice in order to bring us salvation, and it included the testimony of a man who had also suffered great loss but loved Jesus even more. The message was dynamic.
I was puzzled, therefore, when I saw some young adults totally unmoved by this and even flippant about the message whenever we were leaving the service. Now, I am a person who is wary of those who feel that emotion is a necessary part of a service, but this reaction by these people threw me. They even mentioned non-entities such as the background scenery and the expressions of other people in the audience.
How could someone be in the same service and see something totally different? How could someone be completely unmoved by the power of God's Word?
Then I realized that some of the people within that group were dallying in the world and its pleasures at the expense of seeing Jesus work in their lives. They had let selfishness take over. I had noticed it in their speech and habits throughout the earlier months but didn't realize how deeply that attitude had sunk. It had taken anchor in their soul and was clogging up the passageway to seeing God's teaching and blessing.
As I seek God's leading at this next stage of my life, I have no idea of the direction He will take me. I do know this, though. Even though I am not sure of His nudge just yet, I don't want to be pushing away His hand by distracting myself with other cares.
I don't want to be so fixated on the road surface that I miss the mansion.