School has its final day tomorrow, and my official retirement from classroom teaching will be a reality. As it is, this last week is Exam Week, and since I taught an elective (Biblical Greek) there were no exams to be taken in my class. I have been cleaning up and sorting my papers in preparation for my exit.
It has been a long race, but I see the finish line. I will be heading back into writing. I'm already into my first chapters of my next book.
It has been a fantastic year, and a fun teaching career. I will truly miss my students. Seeing them grow in both knowledge and Godly wisdom is a satisfaction that few other achievments can equal. I've shed a few tears in the past weeks, realizing that this part of my life will be over, but that my students will head into careers and ministries of their own. These are tears of sorrow and gladness - quite a mixture!
Thank you Asa, Yani, Bret, Jonathon, Kate, Jennifer, Jacob, Brandon, Abby, Alison, Jessica, Rose, David, Chris, Ben, Kate, Melanie, Josh, Jeremy, Jeremiah, Robert, Taylor, Jackson, Nick, Kerry, Tim, Jordan, Amanda...the list goes on.
3 John 1:4 - "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."